MPR News with Angela Davis

Power Pair: The music critic and ‘The Laundry Guy’

Two men pose to get their portrait taken.
Ross Raihala (left) is the pop music critic at the Pioneer Press and Patric Richardson is out with his new book "House Love." They were at MPR News headquarters on Tuesday talking with MPR News host Angela Davis about their careers and their 19-year relationship.
Nikhil Kumaran | MPR News

What do you get when a music critic shares a home with a laundry and cleaning expert?  

Some cool playlists for cleaning house, for sure.   

Ross Raihala became the Pioneer Press pop music critic in 2004, just a year before he met his longtime partner Patric Richardson. Over the two last decades, Richardson went on to open a vintage designer clothing store and become the go-to expert for laundry dilemmas and stubborn stains.

MPR News host Angela Davis continues her Power Pair series with a conversation about the couple who can turn house cleaning into a disco party — their careers, how they met and how they support each other.


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