Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

Meet a community health leader dedicated to supporting Black trans women

A Black woman smiles for a portrait
Reneka Evans holds her 2022 Sarah Simmons Community Service Award in her Minneapolis apartment on June 8.
Ben Hovland | MPR News

In celebration of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, throughout June MPR News is featuring stories about transgender and nonbinary Minnesotans making an impact. See more at mprnews.org/changemakers.

Reneka Evans has worked in health care in the Twin Cities for more than two decades — at the African American AIDS task force, the Red Door Clinic in Minneapolis and now at the Minnesota Department of Health.

MPR News health reporter Michelle Wiley spoke with Evans about her life and her goals for the future.

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Audio transcript

INTERVIEWER: All this month, as part of our ChangeMaker series, MPR has been profiling trans and non-binary leaders making a difference in Minnesota. Today, we'll hear from Reneka Evans, who has been working in health care in the Twin Cities for more than two decades at the African-American Aids Task Force, the Red door Clinic in Minneapolis, and now at the Minnesota Department of Health.

MPR News Health reporter Michelle Wylie spoke with Evans about her life and her goals for the future.

MICHELLE WYLIE: How would you describe yourself?

RENEKA EVANS: Hmm. Caring. I want to help others. I like encouraging other people, but it's not about me, right? I just want to--

SUBJECT: I mean, it is about you.


SUBJECT: It's very much about you. But I think the fact that you said that tells a lot about you. You know what I mean? This interview about me? It's not about me.

RENEKA EVANS: Right. We're going to talk about--

SUBJECT: Right. This is something we've got to talk about.

RENEKA EVANS: And the service is how-- and how we want to move forward on some goals for trans people and gender nonconforming. We have a lot going on, and you probably can say that for all communities. But with the highest rate of murder, no matter what state you go to, Black trans women in particular is off the charts. Yeah.

And I'm above 50. That's a strategy. When you live that long, being a Black trans person that's open and out and living their truth, to live, to be here above 50 and not being murdered, beat, raped, all those things, you have a notebook and a pen in front of you at all times trying to figure it out.

MICHELLE WYLIE: What's your proudest achievement, personally or professionally?

RENEKA EVANS: Oh, proudest achievement. Oh, my. The transgender Stellar Awards. I was working at Red Door and there's a trans person named Bobby. Bobby and I, we had a one-on-one conversation about, what is different in our community that we don't see?

We talked about all types of things. And then we talked about, you know what? Trans people have been doing this work, advocating for themselves. And there are moments of burnout, and there are moments of people just throwing their hands up. And then there are other people who are always grinding and they have to stop, and we want to recognize them.

And so in the position that I was in-- I was the transgender program coordinator-- I was able to go ahead and spearhead the program. So we had it two years in a row, and the second year was even bigger. And the turnout was even bigger, and the impact statements were even bigger. And so I really enjoyed that.

And so being able to-- all the back work that I enjoy doing, the PowerPoints and having other people tell me about the impact statement, was actually hosting a show and watching individuals who had no idea their name was going to be called for an award, for their names to be called and for them to stand up, it's a lot of hard work. And some people don't pay attention.

MICHELLE WYLIE: Tell me about the idea for Reneka's Place, the business you're starting?

RENEKA EVANS: Reneka's Place will be a place that will start with a minute clinic. And what I mean, minute clinic, blood pressure, COVID testing, like, whatever you can do in a minute or close to a minute, where trans people can come in, seek services.

And this is not a referral place. This is a place where you can actually go to--

SUBJECT: Like a walk-in.

RENEKA EVANS: --for a service. Yeah, for services. And again, show up as themselves, be appreciated for who they are, be respected, use their proper pronouns, use their preferred name, whether it's legal or not, just make sure that their basic needs are taken care of, not just physically.

But it'll be a mini clinic. But then, I mean, we can branch out to other things. But I really want to start with that. Because what I'm noticing, that organizations will roll trans, LGBT+ people into their services but not have anything for them, like, actual trans programming.

So I know the conversation at some tables are, every community has an LGBTQ person in them. So you just kind of say we'll serve everyone. But even with LGBTQ+ community members, everyone is not the same.

And so by me being a trans person, I do understand that the needs are different. The services are different. And there's always needing to be a safe space for people to be seen and heard.

MICHELLE WYLIE: What do you want people to know about trans or non-binary people?

RENEKA EVANS: It's a lot stacked against trans people, gender non-conforming, or non-binary people that some people don't stop and think about. And they don't want to move away from male or female. Like, they're not understanding the difference between gender and sex at birth and that assignment and how harmful that could be to someone later on and not interested in changing it so that everyone can be happy.

That's it. Everyone has the right to be happy, right? No matter what you're assigned to at birth, just let people be who they are. Right? As long as you're not-- my dad told me, as long as they're not hurting anyone or hurting myself.

Have a good life. Help people! And I wish that people would think that way. As long as you're not hurting anyone else or hurting yourself and you're being respectful to others, let people be happy. Let them. So I think-- I guess that would be my message today.

MICHELLE WYLIE: Who are your trans or non-binary heroes?

RENEKA EVANS: Hmm. I would most definitely say my friends that are trans, the ones that get up every day.

And I talked about safety earlier, that when they step outside of their homes, when they leave their safe space, which is their home, and step outside, those are my heroes, the ones who can get in an Uber, the ones that can ride the bus, the ones that can walk their dog around the corner and just face all this craziness and have the courage to do it and make it back home.

Those are my heroes, the ones that gather, show their faces, show up for each other, show up for themselves. Those are my heroes.

MICHELLE WYLIE: Is there anything else you want to say or that I should have asked you?

RENEKA EVANS: What would I tell Reneka as a 16-year-old, if I looked back? And what would I say to Reneka? There'll be a lot of joy, diversity, tears, and laughter. But you will live a happy life. Yeah. It'll be OK. It'll be OK. That's what I'd say to Reneka.

- Well, that was Reneka Evans speaking with MPR's Michelle Wiley. You can find our whole ChangeMaker series of interviews and beautiful portrait photographs at MPRNews.org/ChangeMakers.

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