Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

Native communities say MN's foster care system as harmful as boarding schools of the past

Indian students
Students at the White Earth Indian boarding school, circa 1924. These Native American children were forbidden from wearing traditional dress or hair, and from speaking their Native language.
Photo courtesy of the Becker County Historical Society

Many of us are aware of the brutality and abuse that happened in boarding schools Native American children were forced to attend in the U.S. and Canada into the 1970s. While those boarding schools are now closed, many believe the modern-day foster care system is equally as harmful to Native communities.

Jessica Washington is a reporter covering women and health for The Fuller Project. Her in-depth investigation into the impact of Minnesota's foster care system and boarding schools on Native children was published in partnership with Mother Jones and The Fuller Project. Support was provided by the National Health Journalism Fellowship at the USC Annenberg School of Communications and Journalism.

Washington joined host Cathy Wurzer with more on the story.

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