Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

MN newsmakers look back on 2021: Coverage of drowning involving Samuelses

A woman speaks while a man next to her looks on.
Former Minneapolis City Council Member Don Samuels and Northside Achievement Zone CEO Sondra Samuels speak to reporters in Minneapolis on Sept. 15.
Matt Sepic | MPR News file

This week, we’re reexamining the big stories of 2021. On Thursday, Sahan Journal reporter Becky Dernbach told host Cathy Wurzer what it was like to cover the complicated story of how a Minneapolis couple, community leaders Don and Sondra Samuels lost 6-year-old Isaac Childress III in the Mississippi River.

Wurzer asked Dernbach why Sahan Journal covered the story and how it affected the Twin Cities and Dernbach personally.

Use the audio player above to listen to the full conversation.

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