Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

Raging against the indignities of holiday gift-giving

no gifts
With 12 days until Christmas, has holiday shopping sent your blood pressure soaring to eye-popping new highs? If so, maybe you'll relate to these thoughts from MPR News producer and working comedian Aron Woldeslassie.
Bill Catlin | MPR News graphic 2008

With 12 days left until Christmas, how are you doing in with your holiday shopping? Got everything neatly wrapped under the tree already? Or, more likely, are you ready to throw hands with Santa next time he comes down the chimney?

If the mere thought of all the gifts you have yet to buy makes your blood pressure soar, we have the antidote. Maybe you'll relate to these thoughts from MPR News producer and working comedian Aron Woldeslassie.

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