Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

A legendary Twin Cities bike cartographer is hanging up his helmet

The Greenway stretches 5.5 miles through Mpls.
The Greenway stretches 5.5 miles through Minneapolis and is regarded as one of the nation's most scenic urban bike trails.
Brandt Williams | MPR News

The Twin Cities are a maze of streets, highways, bike trails and walkways interrupted by lakes, parks and, of course, the mighty Mississippi River. Anyone who wants to get around by bike needs a map.

For 50 years, Doug Shidell has been the cartographer for the job. His Twin Cities Bike Map has become a staple among cyclists.

Shidell recently announced he's retiring, so host Cathy Wurzer talked with him about his career, his process, and what's next — for the maps, and for him.

She even managed to convince Shidell to share his hidden bike trail gems. Be warned: Shidell like hills.

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