Big Books & Bold Ideas with Kerri Miller

Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari on the labor market

Neel Kashkari wraps up the Regional Economic Conditions Conference.
Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve of Minneapolis, delivers his closing remarks at the Regional Economic Conditions Conference on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2017.
Ellen Schmidt | MPR News 2017

The labor market is tight, with many employers desperate for workers. But there are signs it’s starting to stabilize.

Job openings rose to a new record high in June, but hiring also increased. That could be a sign that supply pressures are beginning to ease. July also saw a big jump in hiring.

But the surging delta variant is raising concerns about whether the momentum can continue.

What’s next for the economy? Guest host Chris Farrell got the scoop straight from Neel Kashkari, who leads the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis. They talked about the labor market, the potential for inflation and how the rest of 2021 might look for the Ninth District.  


  • Neel Kashkari is the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

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