MPR News with Angela Davis

Talking about race with the youngest people in our lives

A woman looks into the camera
Dianne Haulcy leads family engagement for the early childhood group Think Small and is host of Early Risers, a podcast from Little Moments Count and MPR.
Courtesy Little Moments Count

The trial of former police Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin has sparked conversations in Minnesota about racism. 

How do we talk about race, racism, equity and fairness with the youngest people in our lives?

Early Risers,” a new podcast from MPR and Little Moments Count that launches next week, explores this topic and more.

Host Angela Davis talks with “Early Risers” host Dianne Haulcy, an early childhood education leader in Minnesota who is trying to help parents and teachers navigate questions about race and racism.

This conversation was part of a recent MPR News Facebook event that can be viewed here.


  • Dianne Haulcy is the host of “Early Risers,” a new podcast from MPR and Little Moments Count.

Use the audio player above to listen to the program.

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