MPR News with Angela Davis

The 'workplace revolution' with author and academic Eddie Glaude Jr.

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MPR News host Angela Davis talked with author and academic Eddie Glaude Jr. as part of The Forum on Workplace Inclusion's 33rd annual conference last week.
The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

What would a workplace revolution look like, especially after a pandemic and a major racial reckoning after George Floyd’s killing in Minneapolis last May?

Princeton University professor Eddie Glaude Jr. was invited to deliver the call to action as part of The Forum on Workplace Inclusion’s 33rd annual conference this month. Glaude chairs the Department of African American Studies at Princeton and is the author of “Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and its Urgent Lessons for Our Own.”

MPR News host Angela Davis talked with Glaude at the conference about what needs to happen in workplaces.

Use the audio player above to listen to that conversation.

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