MPR News with Angela Davis

Songs that keep us going during hard times

A man listening to music on headphones.
Through some of our most trying days, many of us turned to a familiar source of comfort: music.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

These past few months have been terrible, difficult, sad and challenging in so many ways. 

But through some of our most trying of days, many of us turned to a familiar source of comfort: music. 

On Wednesday, MPR News host Angela Davis was joined by a local radio DJ and a music therapist to talk about the songs that got them through 2020.

And our listeners called in with their favorite songs, too:


  • Jill Riley is the host of The Current's Morning Show

  • Annie Heiderscheit is a board-certified music therapist and licensed marriage and family therapist. She is also the director of the music therapy programs at Augsburg University.

Use the audio player above to listen to the program.

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