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Red Wing hopes a shorter climate plan will lead to quicker change

Solar energy
A view of downtown Red Wing. Earlier this summer, Red Wing adopted a five-year plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Jennifer Simonson | MPR News 2013

Most climate action plans span 20 or 30 years. Earlier this summer, Red Wing, Minn., adopted a five-year plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Abby Finis, senior program manager with the Great Plains Institute, helped draft the plan and said the goal is twofold. Scientists say the world needs to cut emissions in half by 2030 — that’s coming up quickly. And a shorter timeline might improve engagement and accountability.

As Red Wing Councilmember Evan Brown told Energy News Network, it makes it harder for elected officials to “kick the can down the road.”

Finis spoke with MPR News chief meteorologist and Climate Cast host Paul Huttner about the plan. Hear the conversation using the audio player above or subscribe to Climate Cast wherever you get your podcasts.