Climate Cast ®

A changing of the guard among Minnesota's climate leaders

U of M climate science professor Heidi Roop
Heidi Roop, assistant professor of Climate Science at the University of Minnesota.
Courtesy of University of Minnesota
Mark Seeley is a climatologist and meteorologist at the U.
Mark Seeley recently retired from the University of Minnesota Department of Soil, Water and Climate.
Courtesy of University of Minnesota

For 40 years, Mark Seeley has been a leader in Minnesota climate research. He recently retired from the University of Minnesota Department of Soil, Water and Climate, which maintain’s the state’s climate and soil databases.

Heidi Roop, from the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group, has been named his replacement.

Both joined MPR chief meteorologist and host Paul Huttner on Climate Cast. (And don’t worry. You can still hear Seeley on Morning Edition every Friday.)

Click play on the audio player above to hear the conversation.