Counter Stories®

Counter Stories: Calling out racism, and calling in with love

The hosts of Counter Stories share their strategies for engaging people on issues of race and identity.

A replica headstone reads Isak Aden.
A replica headstone for Isak Aden in south Minneapolis on Friday, June 19.
Evan Frost | MPR News

Race and racism have been at the forefront of news headlines for more than a month now, ever since George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis cop.

Regardless of the color of your skin, it's likely you're talking about race with friends and family. And that can lead to some uncomfortable conversations.

The hosts of Counter Stories share their strategies for engaging people on issues of race and identity. And they share some of the awkward moments they've experienced in discussions within their own communities, involving both race and colorism.

They look at what it means to be "called in"... how it differs from being "called out"... and what to do when it happens to you.

The team is joined this week by author, playwright and performer Saymoukda Vongsay. Vongsay uses her sharp sense of humor to combat racism and ethnic division.

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