MPR News with Angela Davis

Minnesota restaurants reopen with limits but economy is still hurting

Movable partitions divide tables in a restaurant.
Partitions create barriers between tables Thursday, May 21, 2020 at Hope Breakfast Bar in St. Paul. The owners have been putting safety measures in place and had hoped to reopen June 1.
Christine T. Nguyen | MPR News

The economic recession continues, even as more businesses open up. What will recovery look like and how soon will it happen?

And Minnesota restaurants, stores and gyms are open to customers, with limits. What safeguards are in place and how do consumers feel about it?


Chris Farrell is senior economics contributor for MPR News.

Stephanie March is food and dining editor at Mpls.St.Paul Magazine.

John Blackshaw is president and chief operating officer at Tunheim, a communications firm in the Twin Cities that helps clients as they pivot their business models and reopen.