MPR News with Angela Davis

Pioneer Press columnist Rubén Rosario retires after career of telling memorable stories

Rubén Rosario.
Rubén Rosario spent 11 years as a writer for the New York Daily News before joining the Pioneer Press in 1991 as special correspondent and city editor. He launched his award-winning column in 1997.
Courtesy of Rubén Rosario.

Rubén Rosario began his career as a reporter for the New York Daily News, covering some of that city’s most notorious crimes. He was hired by the St. Paul Pioneer Press as an editor in 1991. He began writing his award-winning column in 1997. Over the years, he has told the stories of remarkable, but otherwise unknown, people and the issues that confront folks who live on the margins of society.  

Rosario says he’s semi-retired. He recently took a buyout from the Pioneer Press. He is working on a book that compiles some of the most memorable stories he has told over the years. He plans to continue writing occasional columns for the Pioneer Press. Rosario talked to MPR News host Angela Davis about his career.

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