Counter Stories®

Counter Stories: A personal journey of grief in the era of COVID-19

Co-host Don Eubanks shares his experience of his mother's death and the anguish of mourning loved ones while in isolation.

An older woman surrounded by her four adult children
Isabelle Eubanks (center) died earlier this month after contracting COVID-19. Her son, Counter Stories co-host Donald Eubanks (standing behind her), talks about the anguish of not being able to visit her in her last days.
Courtesy of Donald Eubanks

Earlier this month the Minnesota Department of Health released the names of 32 nursing homes and assisted-living facilities facing outbreaks of COVID-19. Eubanks’ mother, Isabelle, lived in one of the named facilities. In this episode, Don recalls his experience learning his mother had tested positive for COVID-19, and the pain and anger he felt as he could not hold her or say goodbye. 

The Counter Stories co-hosts also talk about how the virus is preventing people both from mourning with their families and observing important cultural traditions.

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