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Minnesota among 25 states on track to meet Paris climate goals

Gov. Tim Walz announces a proposal for clean cars in Minnesota.
Gov. Tim Walz announces a proposal to join California and 13 other states in offering more low- and zero-emission vehicles for sale in Minnesota in St. Paul on Sept. 25, 2019.
Brian Bakst | MPR News file

Many climate observers are frustrated world leaders at the COP25 climate summit in Madrid failed to get on the same page when it comes accountability in emissions reductions.

But 25 U.S. states — including Minnesota — are on the same page, and they're reducing greenhouse gas emissions faster than the rest of the country. They’re part of the United States Climate Alliance and have pledged to work toward the United Nations’ emissions reduction targets with or without the federal government.

A new progress report from the alliance show member states reduced emissions by 16 percent between 2005 and 2017, compared to 7 percent for nonmember states. And they did it while growing their economies three times faster than those states.

The report also says member states are on track to reduce emissions 20 to 27 percent below the 2005 baseline by 2025. The U.S. government had agreed to a 26 to 28 percent reduction when it signed the Paris climate agreement, which it is currently in the process of leaving.

Julie Cerqueira, executive director of the U.S. Climate Alliance, discussed the findings with MPR chief meteorologist and Climate Cast host Paul Huttner.

Listen to the full interview by hitting play on the audio player above.