MPR News with Angela Davis

Which streaming service is right for you?

The launch of Disney+ was both a hit and a bust at the same time. Disney's first attempt at a streaming service was plagued with technical problems, but that didn't deter customers.

Disney garnered 10 million sign-ups. For context, Netflix currently has 60 million domestic customers, and its streaming service started in 2007.

Almost every network is trying to get a piece of the growing pie, so that means there are plenty of options. But few people have enough cash to sign up for all of these services.

On Monday, host Angela Davis asked two TV and culture reporters to break down the benefits of each service.


Eliana Dockterman, staff writer at Time. She wrote a comprehensive review of each streaming service and what to consider when selecting one.

Neal Justin, TV critic for the Star Tribune. He wrote a guide for the typical family on a $30 monthly streaming budget.

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