Art Hounds®

Art Hounds: 50 years of revolutionary art

Plus, all you ever wanted to know about female monsters and Victorian women time travel.

Exhibition “Another World is Possible”
The exhibition “Another World is Possible” showcases highlights from artist Ricardo Levins Morales’ career creating work for social justice movements.
Courtesy of Ricardo Levins Morales

Poet and TruArtSpeaks founder Tish Jones recommends you pay a visit to Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en la Lucha in Minneapolis to check out Ricardo Levins Morales’ show “Another World is Possible.” The show features five decades of art by Morales depicting — and inspiring — social justice movements. Jones says the walls scream with the potential for what our world could be if we all stepped up. The show runs through Nov. 22.

Art enthusiast Janet Polli is looking forward to seeing “Feminine Inhuman” at the Twin Cities Horror Festival. The show brings together Reverend Matt’s encyclopedic knowledge of demonesses and Erin Sheppard's kinetic choreography to create an evening that would make Elvira jealous.

Artist Joan Finnegan just saw Commonweal Theatre’s production of “On The Verge” and says it was simply delightful. A trio of Victorian women decide to explore uncharted territories, including time travel. Finnegan says over the course of the evening they encounter everything from yetis and trolls to a strange substance called Cool Whip. Finnegan says it’s an entertaining allegory about searching for our place in the world. Performances run through Nov. 10.

This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.