MPR News with Angela Davis

Census 2020: Historically undercounted communities determine funding, representation

The census is the baseline for everything. Funding for cities, counties, states is all determined by the census and it lasts for ten years. Electoral votes and congressional representation are also based on the state’s headcount.

U.S. Census 2020 logo
The 2020 census.

With that in mind, there are groups working around the state to make sure that every last Minnesotan is counted. Recent immigrants, children under the age of five and college students all are difficult communities to count for various reasons. Some are afraid of the government. Others just don’t know what the census is.

But not being counted has serious consequences. According to the Minnesota Council on Foundations, it is estimated that for each person missed, a community could lose out on $2,800 of federal funding per year. A family of four being miscounted for ten years is more than $100,000.

Two guests joined host Angela Davis to talk about what people need to know about Census 2020. Xiongpao Lee is the program manager for policy and special projects at the Minnesota Council on Foundations. Alberder Gillespie is the 2020 Census project manager for the City of Minneapolis.

Use the audio player above to listen to the program.

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