MPR News Update

MPR News Update for July 16, 2015

For sale: One independent bookstore, packed with mystery. Minneapolis' Once Upon a Crime bookstore is up for sale, ready to make someone else's bookstore dream come true. "I've had this job as a fantasy since I was a teenager," said the current owner. "Some 40 years later, it turned out better than I ever imagined." Find this story and more at The Thread and The Thread newsletter. | Your forecast

Hundreds rally in Minneapolis for better working conditions Greece's Parliament approves austerity measures Protective clothing best option to guard against skin cancer Parishes seek compensation for costs of sex-abuse cases Appetites: Getting a taste of the world of salt Unity Hospital workers vote to unionize Searchers locate wreckage believed to be missing plane Lots of other countries mandate paid leave. Why not the U.S.? Duluth asks residents to limit water use Cloquet mill to lay off about 250 workers Photos: New Horizons to Pluto