
Battle over carbon capture as tool to fight climate change
Last year, Congress pledged $3.5 billion to carbon capture and sequestration projects around the United States, which has been called the largest federal investment ever by advocates for the technology. But environmental justice advocates and residents of legacy pollution communities are wary of the technology, with many calling it a “false solution.”
How rising temperatures would bring on a longer, more intense allergy season
As the climate warms, plants would bloom earlier in the spring, overlap with other species and even start growing in new locations. That's bad news for people with pollen allergies.
Study: There's still a way to reach global goal on climate change
A new study finds that if the nations of the world live up to their promises, future climate change can be kept to within an international goal set by scientists. But it won't be the safest international goal.
Battery storage capacity in the United States more than doubled last year. But supply chain issues and access to raw materials could slow that growth this year.
The future cost of climate inaction? $2 trillion a year, says the government
The federal government has begun tallying the damage climate change could do to the economy and its budget. This comes as scientists warn time is running out to avoid catastrophic global warming.
The climate cost of the war in Ukraine
There's concern the U.S. push to send more natural gas to Europe will increase climate warming emissions. But energy experts say the crisis might actually speed up the shift to cleaner energy.
The U.S. Coast Guard cutter Spar has arrived at its new home port in Minnesota after undergoing a year of maintenance. The arrival Wednesday in Duluth comes as members of Congress are pushing for another heavy icebreaker on the Great Lakes.