On Campus Blog

Government should make greater use of university academics as specialist consultants Moreover, they would likely cost much less than the specialist consultants used by successive governments. (Impact of Social Sciences) The five best colleges for the money Rather than give you five single schools that represent the best value, here are the five groups that continually pop up Read more →
U of M study: Fast food diets prevail on campus
And I thought campus grub had improved since my old college days. Research from the University of Minnesota indicates that students who eat food available at student unions or centers — though not on campus meal plans — might as well be eating at McDonald’s. They concluded that those who eat at home or bring Read more →
Carleton: Here’s how you turn your liberal-arts degree into a job
Carleton College classics professor Clara Shaw Hardy tells the Star Tribune that the college’s Pathways website, which helps students figure out how to turn a liberal-arts degree into a career, reflects a relatively recent parental desire to make such education relevant: “When I got here 20 years ago, I know I would have found it almost offensive. Read more →
Freakonomics Goes to College, Part 1  What is the true value these days of a college education? (The New York Times) Pushing to graduate in 4 years: smart move? There are compelling arguments on both sides. (USA Today) U.S. Teams Up With Operator of Online Courses to Plan a Global Network Coursera, a California-based venture that has enrolled Read more →
Is the U ugly?
My gratitude for being able to cover a campus as attractive as the University of Minnesota has just been crushed. Or bolstered. It’s so hard to tell. The Star Tribune has reported — in read that’s quite a bit of fun — that Travel & Leisure magazine has named the U one of the ugliest Read more →
College Admissions: When Early Decision Is the Wrong Decision: Committing early may cause FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). (Time) College students more sexually educated than 20 years ago Only 17% of college students at a Mid-Atlantic university failed a sexual knowledge test, compared with 55% who failed the test when it was administered nationally by the Read more →
The scariest reading ever of a children’s book. (Thanks, St. Olaf.)
The internet is creeping out over the reading that St. Olaf College‘s writer in residence, Benjamin Percy, has given to the classic children’s book, Goodnight Moon. You can listen to the audio on the website of Gray Wolf Press, which says: Bedtime stories are supposed to settle the mind and calm the nerves. Benjamin Percy’s Read more →
Globe executive: Attacks on our private loans are way off
Globe University / Minnesota School of Business has responded to my reposting yesterday of a Huffington Post article criticizing a private loan program that the schools offer to their students. The article, written by StudentDebtCrisis.org cofounder Kyle McCarthy, said the Educational Opportunities Loan (EdOp Loan) has been overly aggressive with its late charges, interest (18 percent,…
Why Gustavus Adolphus College stinks
I remember when folks at Gustavus Adolphus College told me in 2010 that Perry the (stinky) Corpse Flower, which was blooming at the time, wouldn’t bloom again for another three years. For those who missed it, your second chance is coming soon. Swing by to watch the 6-foot plant unfold, and get a whiff of Read more →
As Interest Fades in the Humanities, Colleges Worry With the recession having helped turn college, in the popular view, into largely a tool for job preparation, administrators are concerned. (The New York Times) Could It Be Satan? Yes, Says Union in Dispute With Law School A group of law professors in Cleveland are claiming that their dean Read more →