On Campus Blog

As my colleague, Tim Post, works on his piece on the three sexual assaults at off-campus fraternity houses near the University of Minnesota, I spoke with Inspector Bryan Schafer of the Minneapolis Police Department to get a little police context. Here are a few comments he had in our conversation. On whether police see fraternity…
Police: 3 fraternity assaults unrelated
The three recent sexual assault cases at fraternity houses near the University of Minnesota are not related, Minneapolis police Sgt. Bill Palmer said this morning. He would not release further details of the three cases, including whether suspects in the second two were fraternity members. Alcohol was present in all three case, however. Police are…
Video: Bruininks on Bright Ideas
For those who’ve missed it, the MPR Web site has the video and transcript of University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks’ recent appearance on our Bright Ideas series with Stephen Smith. In the discussion, which focuses on American higher education, Bruininks and Smith cover, among other things: tuition; the need to align K-12 and higher…
15 Successful College Dropouts
Take this Huffington Post list of 15 successful college dropouts as a bit of Monday morning bubble gum,. I’m indeed skeptical of the Who-Needs-College-To-Be-Successful school of thinking, as it misses a main point of higher education — becoming an enlightened, more well-rounded person — and focuses solely on college as a ticket to a good…
U of M fraternities ban parties after third assault The presidents of all 24 fraternities on the University of Minnesota’s Twin Cities campus say they will ban parties for now following a third sexual assault at a fraternity house. (MPR Music) Daniel Luzer: College Is Like Real Estate College, despite its rapidly escalating price, is…
How Duluth's poverty rate rose
From the Duluth News Tribune: It appears the Census did a better job of counting college students this year, and many of them technically are living in poverty. The number of students counted in Duluth increased from 14,102 in 2008 to 15,219 in 2009, according to the results of the latest U.S. Census American Community…
Ah, there’s something about football that brings out the meathead humor in students. Each year, the jokes are the same: Your team is lame, your women are loose and your manhood is questionable. Take the long rivalry between the University of St. Thomas and St. John’s University. Students there have a history of printing raunchy,…
Time to get those brain juices flowing, now that the college application season is upon us. For some students, the most dreaded part is the personal essay, and each institution seems to have its own form of torture. Kinstonteacher.com has something to help: a whopping 100 questions from various colleges and universities in the country.…
Century College, a two-year institution located in White Bear Lake, has caught the eye of FearlessFlyer.com, which named it among “25 Awesome College Web Sites That Will Definitely Wow You.” (I’ve omitted the cheesy exclamation mark and sloppiness so common on those types of sites, but you get the idea.) It says colleges are beefing…
In light of the recent sexual assaults at two University of Minnesota fraternities, MPR’s Tim Post is reporting on how the U is beefing up its police patrols for homecoming. They’ll be keeping watch on campus and fraternity row, among other places. Jerry Rinehart, who’s in charge of student affairs at the U, tells Post:…