On Campus Blog

University of Minnesota students accused of disrupting a March 12 ribbon-cutting ceremony on campus are receiving some faculty support. Sociology grad student Rahsaan Mahadeo  says he and a few dozen students and faculty were protesting the U’s handling of diversity. Some shouted questions during the ceremony at Coffman Memorial Union. “We were exercising our right Read more →
The workload of the musical artisan at SE Technical
If there’s one thing I’ve learned here, it’s that the creatives and artisans work hard. (Remember my visit to MCAD, after all.) Student after student on this campus has told me: The instrument programs are like a full-time job. The pace is intense. (And with the semester winding up, a lot of people looked stressed Read more →
What’s that smell at SE Tech? Oh, it’s just the forensic science course.
I’ve written a lot about the musical instrument programs here at SE Tech in Red Wing, because they’re a hallmark of the school. But in looking into other areas here, I’ve found a pretty cool version of the standard “general ed” class. I’m talking with chemistry professor Leah Schnaith, whose Introduction to Forensic Science course Read more →
From classic to steampunk: SE Tech’s guitar thing
I’ve written about the band-instrument repair program, and MPR News colleague Elizabeth Baier has written about the school’s violin repair program. I thought I’d drop in on the two-year guitar repair and building program. Aaron Paul, a 30-year-old from Austin, Texas — and he came HERE for instruments? — is checking his sanding on a Read more →
What makes SE Tech’s BLT a little different
Those women in the dining hall think of everything. After eating a pretty juicy chicken burger with fries, side salad and a cola ($10), I had to try a BLT on the recommendation of 23-year-old student Franziska Andonopoulos of Chicago. She tells me why: “Most BLTs have to strips of bacon lying across the sandwich Read more →
This might solve my campus naming problem — at least as far as the musical instrument programs are concerned. Band-instrument repair instructor Greg Beckwith tells me those in the business “don’t know us as Minnesota State college. We’re just known as ‘Red Wing.’” Good to know.
The brassiness of SE Tech students
The hallmark of SE Tech in Red Wing — that’s how we’re solving the naming problem here — is its focus on musical instruments. Its programs in instrument repair and construction are among the few offered in this country, and they draw students from all over the globe. Sounds very Old World. So why here? Read more →