
Czechs use anniversary of Velvet Revolution to pressure prime minister
About a quarter of a million Czechs gathered on the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution that brought an end to decades of communist rule in the country to give Prime Minister Andrej Babis an ultimatum — sell your business or quit your job.
'I miss them, always': A witness recounts El Salvador's 1989 Jesuit massacre
Six priests became modern-day martyrs in one of the most high-profile religious crimes in recent Latin American history. A woman who witnessed the incident says the FBI pressured her to stay quiet.
Hong Kong descends into chaos again as protesters defy ban
Hong Kong streets descended into chaotic scenes following an unauthorized pro-democracy rally Sunday, as protesters set up roadblocks and torched businesses, and police responded with tear gas and a water cannon.
Iraq blames 'malicious hands' as toll from unrest tops 100
Twelve anti-government demonstrators were killed Sunday in ongoing protests in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, the latest fatalities in six days of clashes that have left more than 100 dead and thousands wounded.
Hong Kong demonstrators continue anti-government protests, clashes with riot police
Tens of thousands of demonstrators filled the streets on Sunday, marking the 18th week of protests. Many wore face masks despite a new government ban on wearing them at public gatherings.
Hong Kong protests: Chaotic scenes unfold in streets ahead of China's National Day
Protesters rained down bricks and Molotov cocktails on government buildings, and riot police deployed tear gas in some of the most forceful police responses since protests began in early June.
Violence flares after Hong Kong protesters defy police ban
Police fired chemical-laced blue water and tear gas at protesters who lobbed Molotov cocktails outside the Hong Kong government office complex Sunday, as violence flared anew after thousands of pro-democracy supporters marched through downtown in defiance of a police ban.