MinnEcon Blog

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine index shows demand for workers in Minnesota rebounded last month, after a slump in November. Minnesota employers added 5,100 online help wanted ads in December after a decline of 6,000 in November.
Lower unemployment and fewer jobs? Say what?
Minnesota's jobless rate fell by half a percentage point to 5.9 percent in November even as employers cut nearly 14,000 jobs in the state. That's the third month in a row Minnesota has seen both declining unemployment and shrinking payrolls.
ManpowerGroup, a national staffing firm, says employers have greater intentions of hiring new staff in the first three months of 2012 than they did a year ago. However, most say they won't change staffing levels at all.
Big G(aga) Cereals
General Mills' Big G cereals division, no slouch at marketing, may have gotten a marketing windfall from music's Big G, Lady Gaga. But then again, maybe not.
Amid much consternation about the cost and effectiveness of the FDA's process for approving new medical devices, the industry's trade association in Minnesota is announcing plans for a partnership with regulators to develop "regulatory science."
The twice-a-year budget forecast is based on an in-depth review of Minnesota’s job market and overall economy. The analysis is probably the most exhaustive assessment of the state’s economy available anywhere. (And as thorough economic analyses go, the forecast is eminently readable.) The forecast’s economic assessment is often overshadowed by “the number;” that is, the…