Feeding the Future

Agriculture in the Midwest is at a crossroads -- but there's no shared vision for the future of Minnesota's food system.

Why are so many farmers markets failing? Because the market is saturated
Farmers aren't producing enough to keep up with the number of smaller markets that keep popping up, often in close proximity to others. This results in fewer customers, unsold food and maybe closure.
Minn. farmers are in D.C. to talk to officials. Here's what's on their minds
Members of the Minnesota Farm Bureau and Minnesota Farmers Union are in Washington, D.C., this week to meet with elected officials and members of the Trump administration about issues ranging from trade to environmental regulations.
Can Minnesota have clean water without regulating fertilizer?
Minnesota farmers rely heavily on nitrogen fertilizer to grow the crops that help make agriculture a $75 billion industry. But the state has struggled to find the right balance between food and fuel production and clean water. The state held the first in a series of hearings about new regulations on fertilizer use Monday.
Residents want extra scrutiny on proposed Fillmore County sow farm
Residents are concerned about manure leaking into groundwater, which people rely on for their drinking water. Several of those opposed to the farm have private wells, some of which already have high nitrate levels from farm runoff.
General Mills sustainability chief: Healthy food needs healthy soil
Jerry Lynch told a crowd of agribusiness and food industry executives gathered in Minneapolis Thursday that healthy soil can help address everything from climate change to erosion -- and that savvy consumers are beginning to pay attention.
A sign of the future in Morris: Cows + solar panels + fast electric car charger
Researchers at the University of Minnesota's West Central Research and Outreach Center in Morris say solar arrays and electric vehicles could help offset greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.