
Albert Lea has lost its bid for a $130-million pork processing plant. Instead, the facility, and as many as 2,000 new jobs, will go to St. Joseph, Missouri.
A group of Midwest farmers has filed a class action lawsuit over the sale of their corn-processing plant to the agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland. The lawsuit claims ADM paid the corn plant's CEO and other executives millions of dollars in return for a deal that shortchanged farmers.
A coalition of grassroots organizations have launched a campaign to gain support for country-of-origin labeling laws. The groups have targeted county commissions in seven states to sign a resolution supporting country of origin labeling.
When the American Heart Association told consumers eggs were high in cholesterol, consumption plummeted. But now, there's a new egg on the market. An egg enhanced with Omega Three fatty acid can actually help reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol. Minnesota has nearly 11 million hens. It's the 8th highest egg-producing state in the country. Farmers who got out of the egg business now may see a reason to get back in.
Earthwise is a farmer-owned company that is taking a new approach to agriculture.
Over the past 30 years, the number of dairy farms in Minnesota has dropped by 84 percent. Last year, the state's dairy production hit its lowest level in 50 years. But despite the poor economic outlook, some farm families are making a living -- while living the life they want.
They've been mocked as "franken-food." But far from stumbling, genetically-modified crops dominate the corn and soybean market.
Farmers' love affair with genetically-modified crops is growing. The latest debate is over a new genetically-modified wheat variety, which is being developed by Monsanto. Monsanto is one of the largest distributors of high-tech crops. But farmers are urging Monsanto to keep Roundup Ready wheat in the laboratory.
Farmers across the state are eager for the weather to settle so they can plant their crops. Machinery is rolled out of the shed and prepped for work. It's time to act on plans developed over the winter. Spring is a time for optimism on the farm. This year is no exception.
Minnesota's dairy industry is at a crossroads. Some farmers say the future is in getting bigger -- milking more cows. Not everyone agrees. One group, the Land Stewardship Project, has spearheaded the opposing viewpoint.