
The value of SXSW
For Minnesota musicians who make it to South by Southwest, the event offers them the largest critical mass of music industry officials during the year. But does the hype equal the payoff for local bands?
New Classical Tracks: From Norway, eloquent Mozart
On his new disc, pianist Leif Ove Andnes plays -- and conducts -- Mozart with the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra. It's a combination that brings out spontaneous, subtle playing from soloist and orchestra alike.
Next stop for young violinist: Carnegie Hall
Twin Cities native and violinist Ariana Kim grew up in a musical household. Both her parents are professional musicians, and it never occured to her that she wouldn't grow up to play an instrument. Kim makes her Carnegie Hall debut this weekend.
Young St. Paul pianist ready for next big move
Andrew Staupe, just 23, is a St. Paul pianist about to take the next step in his burgeoning career. This winter he's been auditioning at Rice, Eastman, and Juilliard music schools. He spoke with MPR's Brian Newhouse about his hopes for winning a spot in one of these competitive programs.
300-year old opera makes American premiere
This week the Minnesota Opera presents the American premiere of a work that's three centuries old. "The Fortunes of King Croesus" was an immensely popular work in early 18th century Hamburg, but the opera and its composer are mostly forgotten today.
New Argento work honors his late wife
The Washington National Cathedral hosts the premiere of a major, new work by Minneapolis composer Dominick Argento on Sunday. It's the first music the Pulitzer Prize winner has written since his wife's death two years ago and he lost the will and energy for composing.
The Brass Kings perform in The Current studio
Everything but the kitchen sink. That's what your stage looks like when The Brass Kings show up to play a gig. They haul in a washboard, part of a refrigerator door, an old washtub, some rope, a pole, and an arm load of various guitars.
A strange trip for 'The Band's Visit'
Director Eran Kolirin's film, "The Band's Visit," which opens in the Twin Cities this weekend, is a bittersweet comedy from Israel. It's been a hit with critics, but simply by being an Israeli film, it's run into controversy too.