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The melt is on: 50s and 60s by next week

Warmer temps, sunshine ahead; light snow Saturday in NE Minnesota

Grass emerging
Grass emerging near the Weather Lab in the southwest Twin Cities Thursday afternoon
Paul Huttner | MPR News

Cue the big melt of 2025. Well, a little melt anyway.

We’re still about 15 inches behind the normal seasonal snowfall of 41 inches to date in the Twin Cities. At least we finally had a respectable snow cover across most of Minnesota on Thursday morning.

Snow depth
Snow depth Thursday
National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center

The Twin Cities and 7 inches early Thursday. Wolf Ridge on the hill above Lake Superior’s North Shore had 18 inches in the woods.

We hit 41 degrees in the Twin Cities Thursday afternoon. That’s 4 degrees warmer than our normal high of 37 degrees. Temperatures on Thursday will top out around 40 degrees again across much of central Minnesota.

Forecast high temperatures Friday
Forecast high temperatures Friday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The weekend brings warmer temperatures and still plenty of sunshine. Highs by Sunday will push into the 60s in western Minnesota and 50s in the Twin Cities.

Forecast high temperatures Sunday
Forecast high temperatures Sunday

Monday brings the warmest day of the next week. Highs will warm to near 60 degrees as far east as the Twin Cities. Temperatures will approach 70 degrees Monday in west-central Minnesota towns like Madison, Appleton, and Canby.

I wouldn't be shocked to see bank thermometers in Excelsior and the western Twin Cites flashing 60 degrees Sunday afternoon.

Forecast high temperatures Monday
Forecast high temperatures Monday

Most of next week will bring temperatures in the 40s, but next Friday could bring 60s again.

A possible rain and snow system is still on the maps for the weekend of March 15-16.

A taste of spring is in the air and on the weather maps.

Stay tuned.