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A warm end to the warmest September; cooler air arrives Tuesday

No rainfall in sight

Forecast temperature anomalies (departure from normal) Monday, capping off a record warm September
WeatherBELL Analytics

The last day of September will end like much of the month: very warm and dry. Cooler air is moving in for Tuesday, briefly. The pattern remains very dry.

Warm end to the warmest September; October starts cooler

Monday will end what’s been a record warm September in the Twin Cities and statewide. Highs will be in the low to mid-80s across southern Minnesota for the 19th time this month. That also breaks a record for the most 80 degree or warmer high temperatures in September.

mon hi
Forecast highs Monday
National Weather Service

With the very dry conditions, increased wind and dropping relative humidity, a red flag warning is posted for much of central and western Minnesota into Monday evening.

red flag
Red flag warning Monday for increased critical fire conditions
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Relative humidity will drop to 15 to 25 percent for portions of central and western Minnesota Monday afternoon.

RH Monday
Forecast relative humidity 7 a.m. through 7 p.m. Monday
College of DuPage weather lab

Winds ahead of and behind a cool front will increase as well to 15-25 mph.

winds MON
Forecast winds Monday
College of DuPage weather lab

A cool front does slide across the state later Monday, shifting winds and bringing in cooler weather. The associated clipper system sadly won’t bring any needed rainfall. Overnight lows will be mostly in the 40s Monday night with low 50s in the Twin Cities. 

mon nt lo
Forecast lows Monday night
National Weather Service

The first day of October on Tuesday will bring some brief cool air. Highs will be in just the mid-60s south to upper 50s north. Those readings, while cooler, are actually right near normal for Oct. 1.

tue hi
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

Warmer air already arrives, however also briefly, for Wednesday. Southern Minnesota will see highs in the upper 70s to low 80s once again before yet another cool front brings in cooler for Thursday and Friday.

Unfortunately, the pattern remains very dry over the next seven days to two weeks. 

wpc 7
Forecast rainfall for the next 7 days
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather