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Pleasant fall-like temperatures, warm-up mid week.

Temperatures warming to near 80 this week

Week outlook
Week ahead
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

A beautiful fall-like Sunday, followed by a quiet evening. High pressure will bring clear skies and cooler lows around 50 degrees for the metro, while other areas statewide may drop into the low to mid 40s. A frost advisory is in effect for northeastern Minnesota.

Lows for Sunday night.
Lows for Sunday night.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Sunny and seasonal

"Seasonal" hasn't been a common word this September, as highs have averaged 5-10 degrees above normal for the Twin Cities. Some areas of the state have even experienced temperatures 20 degrees above average at times.

Look for a short stretch of highs in the upper 60s to low 70s to start the work week.

Highs for Monday.
Highs for Monday.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Very little cloud cover with high pressure overhead, so expect an abundance of sunshine.

Cloud cover Monday through Wednesday night.
Cloud cover Monday through Wednesday night.
NOAA via Pivotal Weather

Back to the 80s

We can expect another warm streak of above-average temperatures, accompanied by a shift in winds to the south. Highs climbing back into the upper 70s and low 80s, with dew points remaining comfortable in the 40s and 50s.

Temperatures Wednesday through Friday.
Temperatures and winds Wednesday through Friday.
NOAA via Pivotal Weather

Our particularly dry and warm September looks to continue through the end of month. The 6-10 day Climate Prediction Center outlook shows above-average highs and below-average precipitation.

6-10 day temperature outlook.
6-10 day temperature outlook.
NOAA via Climate Prediction Center
6-10 day precipitation outlook
6-10 day precipitation outlook
NOAA via Climate Prediction Center

September is shaping up to be a bonus “summer” month.