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Bonfire weather Saturday night; warmer 80s on Sunday

Temperatures in the 80s all week

Bonfire at Thalhuber cabin
Mandy Thalhuber-MPR meteorologist

Not as cool for Saturday night with low temperatures in the metro dropping to the mid-50s. Temperatures will be in the upper 40s to low 50s across the state tonight, which is warmer compared to Friday night.

Low temperatures for Saturday night.
Low temperatures for Saturday night.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

High pressure will slide southeast on Sunday, bringing warmer, summer-like temperatures to the forecast area. Sunday will feature plenty of sunshine and winds increasing out of the south-southwest 5-15 mph. High temperatures warm into the upper 70s to low 80s.

Highs for Sunday.
Highs for Sunday.

Mild forecast; little to no precipitation chances

Look for little to no change in the forecast for the upcoming work week. High pressure will continue to bring sunshine, and above average temperatures. Our afternoon high temperatures are expected to push well into the mid-80s, with some 90s returning to southwestern Minnesota and the Minnesota river valley by Wednesday.

Temperatures expected Monday through Thursday
Temperatures expected Monday through Thursday
NOAA via College of DuPage Weather

Unlike previous months, where we typically would see an increase in our dew points, there will be little change in the moisture level from current values. Dewpoints will remain in the 50s, possibly some low 60s for the forecast area.

Dewpoints Monday through Thursday night
Dewpoints Monday through Thursday night
NOAA via Pivotal Weather

Our 6-10 day, and 8-14 day temperature trend outlook from the Climate Prediction Center shows our above average temperature trend continue though at least the middle of September.

6-10 day temperature outlook.
6-10 day temperature outlook.
NOAA via Climate Prediction Center
8-14 day temperature outlook
8-14 day temperature outlook
NOAA via Climate Prediction Center

Enjoy the quieter weekend forecast!