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Spectacular Labor Day weekend ahead

Plenty of sunshine and highs mostly in the 70s

Burntside cabin point
Burntside Lake near Ely
Paul Huttner | MPR News

Our last of the three big summer holiday weekends has arrived, and I couldn’t draw up a more beautiful Labor Day weekend in Minnesota.

True to form, this will be the least stormy of the the major summer holiday weekends — climatologically speaking.

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Severe weather warning climatology in summer for the Twin Cities
Twin Cities National Weather Service office

Other than a few scattered showers and thunderstorms for northeastern Minnesota Saturday, most of the state looks dry this weekend.

Temperatures will be pleasantly cooler, with lower dew points filtering in. Highs on Saturday will run in the 70s north to 80s central and south.

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Forecast highs Saturday
National Weather Service

Forecast models show a cold front blowing into northeastern Minnesota Saturday. There could be a few scattered storms grazing the northeast.

Here’s the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s NAM 3 km model between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday.

NOAA NAM 3 km model
North American Mesoscale 3 km model Saturday afternoon
NOAA, via Tropical Tidbits

NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center lays out a marginal (low) risk for severe storms in northeastern Minnesota Saturday.

Sunday brings the least windy day of the weekend. Highs will run in the 60s north to 70s south.

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Forecast highs Sunday
National Weather Service

Lows may dip into the 40s to even some isolated upper 30s in northeastern Minnesota this weekend.

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Forecast lows Sunday night
National Weather Service

Labor Day also looks lovely.

Get out there and enjoy this amazing weekend in Minnesota!