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Heat and humidity build this weekend

Highs near 90 Sunday; tropical dew points in the 70s by Sunday

Twin Cities area forecast at a glance
Twin Cities area forecast at a glance
Twin Cities National Weather Service office

The last full weekend of August and meteorological summer will be a steamy one.

A tropical air mass is oozing northward from the Gulf of Mexico toward Minnesota. This weekend brings rising temperatures and tropical humidity levels with dew points back into the sweaty 70s.

Below, check out the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Global Forecast System model. It shows dew points ramping up from Friday morning’s comfy 50s to steamy 70s by Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

NOAA GFS dew point output
Global Forecast System dew point output between 7 a.m. Friday and 7 p.m. Sunday
NOAA, via Tropical Tidbits

There is a chance for a few scattered thundershowers as the warm front begins to bubble north Friday morning. NOAA’s FV3 model shows a few scattered cells drifting southeast across eastern Minnesota early Friday.

The forecast model loop below runs between 1 and 10 a.m. Friday.

NOAA FV3 model
Finite­-Volume Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core model between 1 and 10 a.m. Friday
NOAA, via Tropical Tidbits

Highs Friday will be mostly in the low 80s across Minnesota.

Forecast high temperatures Friday
Forecast high temperatures Friday

The weekend looks mainly dry. By Saturday, temperatures will ramp up into the mid-80s.

Forecast high temperatures Saturday
Forecast high temperatures Saturday

Sunday brings the hottest and most humid day. Highs near 90 degrees are likely.

Forecast high temperatures Sunday
Forecast high temperatures Sunday

Next week still looks summery with highs mostly in the 80s. There are still signs of a colder front as September arrives.

NOAA 8 to 14-day temperature outlook
8 to 14-day temperature outlook

Stay tuned.