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Cooler Tuesday night with a frost advisory northeast; sunshine Wednesday

High pressure midweek brings sun, dry weather

dlh frost
A frost advisory for northeast Minnesota Tuesday night through 7 a.m. Wednesday
National Weather Service

We get a break from rain as high pressure clears the skies out and brings dry weather. Wednesday and Thursday will be warmer but rain moves into western Minnesota Thursday.

Frost advisory northeast Tuesday night with sunshine Wednesday

After yet another unsettled day, showers and clouds will quickly dissipate after dark leading to a cool overnight. Temps will dip into the 40s for most with even some 30s in parts of the Iron Range.

Forecast lows Tuesday night
National Weather Service

Portions of northeastern Minnesota are under a frost advisory through 7 a.m. Wednesday.

dlh frost
Frost advisory for northeastern Minnesota Tuesday night through 7 a.m. Wednesday
National Weather Service

Look for considerably more sunshine Wednesday as high pressure dominates the skies of Minnesota. We’ll see some fair weather cumulus clouds pop up in the afternoon hours. High temperatures will be warmer, mostly in the upper 60s and low 70s.

wed hi 2
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

Thursday will be warmer still for most with highs in the mid to upper 70s across southeastern Minnesota.

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Forecast highs Thursday
National Weather Service

The next round of rain already pushes into western Minnesota late Thursday and spreads across the state into Thursday night and Friday. Yet another system will come in late Sunday into Monday.

Rainfall totals over the next week look to come in at 1 to 2 inches nearly statewide, keeping moisture above normal. Normal weekly rainfall this time of year is just about 1 inch. 

WPC 168
Forecast rainfall through early next week
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather