Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

A mix of sunny and showery hours this Memorial Day weekend

Scattered rain and thunder overnight into Friday

Twin Cities area forecast at a glance
Twin Cities area forecast at a glance
Twin Cities National Weather Service office

We’re dodging a few showers on the cusp of the first big warm-season holiday weekends, but it looks like we’ll enjoy more dry hours than rain this weekend. The best chance of getting wet favors Sunday morning through early afternoon.

First, we track a few scattered rain and thunder cells across Minnesota overnight and Friday. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s High-Resolution Rapid Refresh model shows a line of rain and thunderstorms moving across Minnesota overnight through Friday:

High-Resolution Rapid Refresh model between 7 p.m. Thursday and 7 p.m. Friday
NOAA, via Tropical Tidbits

Northwestern Minnesota’s drought zone will see the heaviest rain. The Twin Cities will likely awake to rain and some embedded thunderstorms between about 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. Friday.

Overall rainfall totals look significant in northwestern Minnesota, where 1 to 3 inches of rain is likely. The Twin Cities and southern Minnesota will likely pick up a range of rainfall between one-quarter inch and three-quarters of an inch through Friday.

NOAA HRRR model pcp
High-Resolution Rapid Refresh model precipitation output forecast through Friday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Highs Friday will make the low 70s south, but cooler air in the 50s will linger north under rainy skies.

Forecast high temperatures Friday
Forecast high temperatures Friday

Right now, Saturday and Memorial Day looks mostly dry across most of Minnesota. Sunday looks like the wettest day this weekend. NOAA’s Global Forecast System model shows a cluster of rain crossing Minnesota on Sunday. But skies may dry out later Sunday afternoon.

Highs Saturday will be in the 70s south with mainly 60s north.

Forecast high temperatures Saturday
Forecast high temperatures Saturday

Drought Update

We’re chipping away at drought again this week across Minnesota. we’re now down to 8 percent drought coverage from 11 percent last week.

Most of this week’s heavy rainfall occurred after the cutoff Tuesday morning for this week’s drought update. We’ll likely see more improvement in next week’s drought update.

U.S. Drought Monitor for Minnesota
U.S. Drought Monitor for Minnesota
National Drought Mitigation Center

It’s been a remarkable story to watch a major drought covering all of Minnesota get wiped by successive storms out over the past few months!