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Springy weather pattern through Mother’s Day weekend

Highs in the 60s and 70s. Isolated shower and thunderstorm chances.

Forecast high temperatures Sunday
Forecast high temperatures Sunday.

Spring has sprung in Minnesota.

And I dare say this is a classic Minnesota spring so far. We’ve had a nice gradual warm-up this spring. we’ve had just one 80-degree day thus far in the Twin Cities when we hit 85 degrees on April 13.

weather data for Minneapolis
2024 weather data for Minneapolis.
Twin Cities National Weather Service

I’m sure you can remember many years like just a year ago when we’ve lurched from snow in the first week of April to temperatures as warm as 88 degrees by April 12!

So far this May is running about 3 degrees warmer than normal in the Twin Cities and most of Minnesota. This spring has wrapped its arms around us in a nice slow gradual fashion. It’s been a spring to remember.

Pleasant temperatures this week

Our weather pattern brings more pleasant temperatures this week into the upcoming weekend. Highs the next few days will favor 60s north and the lower 70s south across Minnesota.

Forecast high temperatures Friday
Forecast high temperatures Friday.

Sunday will be the warmest day of the next several. Highs will push close to 80 degrees in southern Minnesota including the Twin Cities.

Forecast high temperatures Sunday
Forecast high temperatures Sunday.

Any rainfall coverage looks slight and brief through the upcoming weekend. We may see a stray shower or thunderstorms, but significant rainfall coverage looks unlikely.

Enjoy this beautiful run of spring weather.