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Warm and windy Monday with showers and some thunder possible overnight

The week will remain unsettled with a few chances of rain

wind adv MON
Wind advisory midday Monday through late Monday evening
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Updated 9 a.m.

It’ll be a warm one Monday with temperatures well into the 70s for the afternoon. Showers and a few thunderstorms are possible overnight. The week will be unsettled with more rain chances. 

Warm and windy Monday with rain and thunder possible overnight

Look for a warm Monday as highs reach well into the 70s for most of the state. It will be cooler near Lake Superior.

mon hi 8a
Forecast highs Monday
National Weather Service

Winds will increase, especially for western Minnesota where gusts will be up to 40 to 45 mph from the southeast. A wind advisory takes effect late Monday morning into the late evening for western Minnesota.

MON winds
Forecast wind gusts 6 a.m. through 8 p.m. Monday
College of DuPage Weather

Winds are increasing ahead of an upper low to our west that will help to develop showers and thunderstorms from South Dakota down into Texas. What’s left of that activity will sweep across Minnesota mainly overnight Monday into early Tuesday.

mon-wed prec 8a
Forecast precipitation 7 a.m. Monday through 1 a.m. Wednesday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

It’s just the first chance of rain this week as disturbances will rotate around the main upper low as it slowly moves across the north-central U.S. Think of it as a tire with spokes of energy rotating around it:

500 pattern
Forecast upper level pattern this week:
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, via Pivotal Weather

More showers are possible Wednesday into early Thursday across southern Minnesota.

wed-thu prec
Forecast precipitation 10 a.m. Wednesday through 1 p.m. Thursday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Another chance of showers is possible statewide Friday. 

fri-sat prec
Forecast precipitation 1 a.m. Friday through 1 a.m. Saturday
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, via Pivotal Weather

Temperatures will be cooler later in the week before warming back up over the weekend in time for the fishing opener and Mother’s Day.