Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Warmer with severe storms possible in southern Minnesota late Tuesday

More showers are possible Thursday and into the weekend

svr TUE
Severe weather outlook for Tuesday into Tuesday night
National Weather Service

Updated 9 a.m.

Southern Minnesota will see potentially strong to severe storms Tuesday afternoon and evening. It’ll be warmer and breezy statewide. An active pattern persists into Saturday.

Potential for strong storms south Tuesday 

It’ll be warmer Tuesday ahead of a cold front and disturbance that will create thunderstorm potential. Highs will be in the low 70s south to 50s far north.

tue hi 8a
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

The winds will crank up again from the south at 10-25 mph Tuesday afternoon. 

Showers and thunderstorms will develop ahead of an upper level disturbance and cold front, and track east late Tuesday afternoon into the overnight. 

tue precip 8a
Forecast precipitation 10 a.m. through 11 p.m. Tuesday
NOAA via pivotal weather

The best chance of severe weather will be across southern Minnesota where there’s a slight risk (level 2 out of 5) for severe storms and a marginal risk (level 1 of 5) up to the Twin Cities. 

svr TUE
Severe weather outlook for Tuesday into Tuesday night
National Weather Service

Most potential energy and instability available for strong to severe storms will be limited to far southern Minnesota into Iowa this afternoon and evening.

CAPE Tue 8a
Forecast C.A.P.E. (convective available potential energy) : a measure of instability for strong thunderstorms Tuesday
NOAA via pivotal weather

One measure of the strongest storms is by looking at where computer models forecast the strongest updrafts in storms. We can measure this by updraft helicity tracks from particular forecast models.

Updrafts are winds moving upward into a storm, feeding it warm and moist air. When updrafts rotate and become stronger, they can produce large hail, damaging wind gusts and, in some cases, tornadoes. The strongest signals later Tuesday are mostly in Iowa but with some lingering activity into southern Minnesota.

updraft tracks
Forecast updraft helicity tracks via NOAA's High Resolution Rapid Refresh model
NOAA via pivotal weather

Mainly dry Wednesday, but more rain arrives Wednesday night

The sun breaks back out for most of Wednesday, leading to a pleasant day. Highs will generally be in the 60s.

wed hi 8a
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

Another round of rain develops Wednesday night into Thursday and Thursday night. It will bring the potential for another soaking rain.

wed-fri prec 8a
Forecast precipitation 1 p.m. Wednesday through 4 a.m. Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather

Sunshine breaks back out Friday but we’re in for potentially more showers Friday night into Saturday. 

SAT pop
Forecast probability of rainfall Saturday
National Weather Service

Sun returns Sunday and it’s looking very pleasant with highs in the low 70s and 60s.