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A mixed drought report for Minnesota Thursday

Conditions improve in SE Minnesota, worsen in NW Minnesota

drought 04-25
Latest drought monitor
National Drought Mitigation Center

Thursday’s drought conditions report shows the percentage of Minnesota considered abnormally dry decreased. Southeastern Minnesota saw improvement as last week’s rainfall was included in this week’s report. Drought increased in northwestern Minnesota, however.

Drought eases for some, worsens for others

The latest U.S. Drought Monitor report shows a decrease in the areas of Minnesota considered “abnormally dry” from 87 percent to 74 percent.

Areas considered in at least moderate drought decreased just slightly by about one percent of the state. Portions of the state considered to be in at least severe drought increased from 11 to 13 percent of the state, driven mostly by northwestern Minnesota conditions.

drought compare 04-25
Comparison of this week's drought conditions (left) to last week's (right)
National Drought Mitigation Center

Southeastern Minnesota saw the biggest improvements with those southeast most counties being removed from severe drought and moderate drought shrank significantly. Those areas saw significant rainfall last Tuesday and Tuesday night.

That moisture was not included in last Thursday’s report since the data cutoff is 7 a.m. on Tuesdays.

7day precip
7 day total precipitation from 7 a.m. April 16 through 7 a.m. April 23
WeatherBELL Analytics

While northwestern and north-central Minnesota saw some rainfall, it was not enough to alleviate drought conditions. This time of year more than three-fourths of an inch of rain is required each week to maintain normal precipitation levels.