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Spotty showers Tuesday. Widespread rainfall late this week?

Another soaking looks likely through this weekend

European model (ECMWF) precipitation output
Precipitation forecast through Monday
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, via Pivotal Weather

It’s a changeable weather pattern across Minnesota this week.

A cold front sweeping through Minnesota Tuesday is driving gusty winds with scattered showers and possible thunder. Stronger cells may produce small hail into Tuesday evening.

The cold front brings colder temperatures and another frosty night to Minnesota. Lows will dip to the freezing mark across most of Minnesota Wednesday morning.

Forecast low temperatures Wednesday
Forecast low temperatures Wednesday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Highs Wednesday will recover into the 50s, with some 60s edging into western Minnesota.

Forecast high temperatures Wednesday
Forecast high temperatures Wednesday

Weekend soaking?

Another soaking rain looks likely from Friday through the upcoming weekend. Two storm systems will push into Minnesota. The first brings rain on Friday. We may catch a break on Saturday before the second system drops more rain across Minnesota.

Here’s the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Global Forecast System model output between 7 a.m. Friday and 7 a.m. Monday:

NOAA GFS model
Global Forecast System model between 7 a.m. Friday and 7 a.m. Monday
NOAA, via Tropical Tidbits

Overall, rainfall total could reach 1 to more than 2 inches once again across much of Minnesota. Here’s the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts model precipitation output through Monday:

European model (ECMWF) precipitation output
Precipitation output forecast through Monday
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, via Pivotal Weather

Our drought is hanging by a thread after this weekend across Minnesota. It’s nice to see the ponds, lakes and rivers rising for a change.