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Clouds and showers for the partial eclipse in Minnesota

Much warmer air arrives midweek and this weekend

wx map MON
Forecast surface weather conditions Monday
National Weather Service

Updated 8:55 a.m.

Showers will linger Monday with the most activity in northern Minnesota. Tuesday will be brighter west. Sunshine and much warmer air moves in for Wednesday.

Clouds and showers Monday into Tuesday, then much warmer 

Look for more scattered rain showers Monday. The most numerous showers will be north with more widely scattered showers in southern Minnesota. Expect mostly cloudy conditions statewide. Showers will linger some into Tuesday, especially north. 

mon-tue prec
Forecast precipitation 6 a.m. Monday through 1 p.m. Tuesday
College of DuPage Weather

The winds will continue Monday, too, but we’ll get a morning break as the low center passes overhead, moving north. The winds will then increase again (think: eye of a hurricane). 

mon winds
Forecast wind gusts 6 a.m. Monday through 7 p.m.
College of DuPage Weather

Tuesday will see sun return to western Minnesota. More sunshine will appear statewide Wednesday along with warmer temperatures. Highs will be well into the 60s for much of the state.

wed hi
Forecast highs Wednesday
NOAA via pivotal weather

An upper level disturbance and cool front passes through Wednesday into Thursday touching off a few spotty showers. The weekend is looking warmer with lots of sun at this point. 

Eclipse weather 

Unfortunately, skies look mostly cloudy across the state for the partial eclipse. Farther south, in the path of totality, the weather looks best in Missouri, Illinois and western Indiana.

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Forecast cloud cover 1 p.m. Monday
NOAA via pivotal weather

In the Twin Cities, 74 percent of the sun will be obscured, reaching a maximum at 2:02 p.m.

MSP eclipse stats
Twin Cities eclipse times for the partial solar eclipse
Time and date.com

I am in Indiana, in the path of totality where we’re expecting mostly clear skies through some scattered high, cirrus clouds. Totality here will last from 2:04 until 2:07 p.m.

HUF eclipse
Eclipse times for Terre Haute, Indiana in the path of totality
Time and date.com