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From record warmth to snow, back to record warmth this week

Minnesota headed for a wild week of weather

Twin Cities area forecast through Thursday
National Weather Service

Updated 9 a.m.

We’ll have all of March’s weather in about 48 hours: springlike warmth followed by snow then back to springlike warmth next weekend.

Near-record warmth Monday 

Some record highs will be set Monday as temperatures warm to incredible levels. Most of southern Minnesota will see highs in the 60s. Northern Minnesota will see highs in the 40s and 50s with some morning snow showers far north. 

mon hi 8a
Forecast highs Monday
National Weather Service

Overnight, the stage will start to be set for a big drop in temperatures. Northwestern Minnesota will see readings fall into the single digits while it remains pretty mild south and southeast.

MON nt lo 8a
Forecast lows Monday night
National Weather Service

Rain to snow with a big, brief drop in temps

A winter storm watch goes into effect Monday night across portions of northwestern Minnesota and northern Minnesota into Tuesday. 

Winter storm watches go into effect for portions of northern and northwestern Minnesota early Tuesday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Much colder air will be sliding across the state through the day Tuesday dropping temperatures and turning rain to snow.

T loop
Forecast temperatures 6 a.m. Monday through 6 a.m. Wednesday
College of DuPage weather lab

An intense area of low pressure will develop rain Monday night and into Tuesday that will turn to snow from northwest to southeast Tuesday night.

precip 8a
Forecast precipitation 12 a.m. Tuesday through 12 a.m. Wednesday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Snowfall will be likely for many areas with the heaviest to the north. 

MN snow
Forecast snowfall through Tuesday night
National Weather Service

Winds will increase Tuesday into Wednesday from the north at 10 to 25 mph with gusts of 40 to 50 mph in western Minnesota. 

winds TUE
Forecast wind gusts 4 a.m. Tuesday through 6 a.m. Wednesday
College of DuPage weather lab

Temperatures will really drop Tuesday night also, turning slushy snow to ice quickly.

tue nt lo
Forecast lows Tuesday night
National Weather Service

Wednesday will be briefly colder with highs in the single digits and teens north to 20s south.

wed hi 8a
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

Morning wind chill values will be subzero statewide early Wednesday with wind chills as cold as minus 25 degrees in northeastern Minnesota!

wed chills AM
Forecast wind chills early Wednesday morning
National Weather Service

We then rapidly warm up by the end of the week and into next weekend with potentially more record high temperatures. Highs will be back into at least the 60s by the weekend in southern Minnesota.

About half the forecast computer models right now push us to our first 70 in the Twin Cities Sunday. That would be the earliest recorded 70 on record if so.

next sun hi
Forecast highs by Sunday of next weekend
National Weather Service