Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Mild week of melting snow

The weather story this week will be continued mild temperatures and little or no precipitation. Daytime highs will be above freezing statewide most days, while nighttime lows will bring refreeze of snowmelt.

March-like temperatures

Monday has gotten us off in a rather balmy direction, considering the calendar date. The Twin Cities will max out about 10 degrees warmer than the average high of 30.

Tuesday should be mostly sunny and a bit warmer. Look for highs in the 30s north and up to the mid 40s south. The Twin Cities should peak in the low 40s with just a light southwest breeze.

Forecast highs Tuesday
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

Warm Wednesday

Wednesday is likely to be our warmest day this week. Afternoon temperatures should be in the 30s in the northern third of the state and 40s in most of central and southern parts. The southwest might warm into the low 50s.

Forecast high temperatures Wednesday
Forecast high temperatures Wednesday
National Weather Service

Then cooler

Thursday will turn a bit cooler.

Friday will be the coolest day of the week, but certainly not frigid for February. Highs will be on the cold side in northeastern Minnesota where temperatures might stay in the upper teens for the afternoon. The rest of northern Minnesota should see highs in the 20s while southern Minnesota gets low 30s.

Forecast high temperatures Friday
Forecast high temperatures Friday
NOAA Weather Prediction Center

Then warmer again

The weekend will be warmer. By Sunday, expect highs to reach the 40s for much of the state and some low 50s again possible in the southwest.

Forecast high temperatures Sunday
Forecast high temperatures Sunday
NOAA Weather Prediction Center

The Twin Cities could easily warm into the low 50s next Monday.

Forecast high temperatures Monday
Forecast high temperatures Monday
NOAA Weather Prediction Center

Scant precipitation

The next chance of rain or rain changing to snow in Minnesota and western Wisconsin could arrive fairly early next week.