Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Much cooler. Lingering light snow and flurries

Our winter heat wave ended with a record high of 53 in the Twin Cities on Thursday. It was quite a stretch of reaching the 50s in seven of the past 11 days.

Much cooler air arrived overnight on a gusty west wind that will continue into Friday. Highs will be mostly from the upper 20s to mid-30s. Expect cooler low to mid-20s in the northwest. The Twin Cities will likely peak around 36 degrees. That’s still 10 degrees warmer than normal, but it will feel cooler with that breeze.

Forecast high temperatures for Friday
Forecast high temperatures for Friday
National Weather Service

Some light snow into Friday

Patchy light snow has been falling in parts of northern and central Minnesota. Up to an additional 1 inch of snow could accumulate on Friday in some northern areas, such as around International Falls and Ely. The Twin Cities could see flurries but probably no accumulation.

Dry, mild weekend

The weekend looks precipitation-free and milder than normal. Highs will generally be in the 20s north and 30s south with Sunday being slightly warmer than Saturday.

Quiet weather next week

No major weather makers look likely next week. An Alberta clipper might drop a quick inch or two of light snow around Thursday, but no big storms.

Highs will be mostly in the 30s for most of the state most days. Look for some upper 20s in northern Minnesota while southern Minnesota should see a few low 40s. Monday might be one of those days when the Twin Cities and points south reach the low 40s.

Forecast high temperatures for Monday
Forecast high temperatures for Monday
NOAA Weather Prediction Center