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Subzero wind chills early this week with a milder pattern developing midweek

Monday night will bring our coldest temperatures yet

7a chill MON
Wind chills early Monda morning
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Wind chills early Monday are subzero nearly statewide and will be again Monday night. During the day Monday we’ll see partly cloudy skies with highs in the teens and low 20s.

Cold start to the week

We’ll have leftover areas of patchy clouds Monday and in some of those clouds a few flurries, especially for northern Minnesota.

mon clds
Forecast cloud cover 7 a.m. Monday through 8 p.m.
College of DuPage weather lab

It will remain cold through the day Monday with highs only in the teens and low 20s.

mon hi 8a
Forecast highs Monday
National Weather Service

Wind chills will remain in the single digits and below zero north all day Monday as northwest winds continue to blow at 10 to 17 mph.

Monday night will bring our lowest temperatures of the season so far for much of the state. Look for widespread lows in the single digits to maybe around 10 in Minneapolis-St. Paul. 

mon nt 8a
Forecast lows Monday night
National Weather Service

Highs Tuesday remain cooler than normal but a bit warmer and with lighter winds.

tue hi 8a
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

Milder pattern develops with a possible weekend storm system

We’re in a cold northwest flow pattern aloft to start the week, keeping things cold. But by midweek a zonal flow returns where air moves west to east in the upper levels. That will bring milder air with temperatures at or above normal.

Forecast upper level winds (jet stream) pattern this week
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Wednesday will bring highs into the 40s across southern Minnesota with mostly 30s into the weekend. 

wed hi 8a
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

We’ll need to keep an eye on a storm system that could affect parts of Minnesota over the weekend. Most models agree on a system bringing rain and snow to the Upper Midwest late Saturday into Sunday.

While it’s early to get specific, snowfall is possible somewhere in southern Minnesota.

wknd storm
Forecast precipitation 4 p.m. Saturday through 1 a.m. Monday
College of DuPage weather lab