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99 percent of Minnesota in drought; some rain overnight into Friday

Pattern remains dry

drought 09-14
The latest drought monitor for Minnesota
National Drought Mitigation Center

The latest drought monitor shows drought covering 99 percent of the state now. Portions of northeastern Minnesota have seen significant rainfall but most of the state remains dry.

Drought conditions for nearly all Minnesota

Posted Thursday, the latest U.S. Drought Monitor report shows every category of drought increased in the state except for the highest category, “exceptional drought,” which remains at 1.4 percent of the state in two pockets.

drought 09-14
The latest drought conditions in Minnesota
National Drought Mitigation Center

Notably, southwestern and west-central Minnesota, two areas that have avoided drought much of the summer, have now moved from the “abnormally dry” category into “moderate drought.”

Conditions in northeastern Minnesota have improved. St. Louis County was half in severe drought last week but thanks to significant rainfall earlier this week most of the county is now in moderate drought.

drought compare 09-14
A comparison of this week's drought conditions to last week's
National Drought Mitigation Center

Rochester remains one of the state’s driest spots with a rainfall deficit of 9.84 inches since June 1.

In the Twin Cities, our rainfall deficit since June 1 is at 8.21 inches below normal. Only northeastern Minnesota has seen a surplus of rainfall this month so far. Most of the state, especially southern Minnesota, is more than 1 inch behind for just September alone.

14 day deficits
Rainfall departure from normal since Sept. 1
WeatherBELL Analytics

Some rain possible late Thursday into Friday

There will be enough moisture with the next front to touch off a broken line of showers and thunderstorms Thursday afternoon in western Minnesota. That area will then drift southeast overnight into Friday.

precip 8a
Forecast precipitation 10 a.m. Thursday through 7 p.m. Friday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

While somewhat hopeful, most of us will see under one-quarter inch of rainfall. Pockets of central and west-central Minnesota do have a chance of seeing somewhat more significant rainfall depending on how storms evolve late Thursday.

Forecast potential rainfall Thursday into Friday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather