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Rare late August heat Tuesday and Wednesday; excessive heat warnings

Hot air, high dew points will create triple-digit heat index values

hazards 7a
Excessive heat warnings and heat advisories Tuesday and Wednesday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Excessive heat grips southern Minnesota Tuesday and Wednesday with highs in the 90s and heat index values in the 100s. The heat will persist into Thursday.

100+ heat index Tuesday and Wednesday

While most will see actual air temperatures just under 100 degrees, the heat index will be in the triple digits as dew points in the 70s create dangerously hot conditions.

tue index 5
Forecast heat index Tuesday afternoon
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Highs will be well into the 90s across southern Minnesota to potentially even 100 degrees in some far southern Minnesota locations.

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Forecast highs Tuesday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Wednesday will be hot again with highs well into the 90s along with high dew points and heat index values in the 100s.

Cooler air arrives Friday into the weekend when highs will be more seasonable in the 70s and 80s.